How To Make Chocolate Ganache

How To Make Chocolate Ganache


Chocolate ganache is a simple chocolate sauce that can be used in all sorts of recipes, from cakes to donuts. It’s also great on its own—just drizzle it over ice cream or cake! Here’s how to make it:

Place chocolate in a heatproof bowl.

  • Place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl.
  • Heat it over a double boiler or in the microwave until melted, stirring frequently to ensure even heating.
  • Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature before using.*

Heat the cream until it is just about to boil.

The first step is to heat the cream until it is just about to boil. By heating the cream, you are creating a rich texture that will give your ganache the right consistency. You do not want to let it boil or cool too much, as both of these situations can affect your chocolate’s quality and texture.

You want to bring your cream up to just below boiling point, but not overheat it. If you do this correctly, you will see tiny bubbles forming on top of the surface; this means that all of the fat has melted into liquid form and will help create a smooth ganache when mixed with chocolate later on.

Pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate and let sit for one minute.

Pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate and let sit for one minute. Whisk until smooth and shiny. Use in recipes like cake or donuts!

Whisk until smooth and shiny.

To ensure that the chocolate and cream are thoroughly combined, it’s best to use a whisk. A spoon or spatula won’t cut it here; neither will your hands—you don’t want to risk getting any chocolate under your nails!

The main objective of this step is to emulsify the mixture so that it becomes smooth and shiny.

This simple chocolate sauce can be used in all sorts of recipes, from cakes to donuts.

Chocolate ganache can be used in all sorts of recipes, from cakes and donuts to cupcakes. You’ll need a few simple ingredients and an hour or so of your time. If you’re looking for something quick but elegant to serve at your next dinner party, this is it!

Here’s how:


That’s all there is to it! You can make your own chocolate ganache with just a few ingredients and store it in the fridge for up to three days, if need be.

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