How To Make Whipped Cream

How To Make Whipped Cream: A blog with a recipe on how to make whipped cream.


Whipped cream is a tasty topping that’s easy to make at home. It’s also an essential ingredient in many desserts, so it can be helpful to know how to whip up a batch ahead of time. This recipe will show you how to make whipped cream with just three ingredients: heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract.



  • Heavy cream
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Vanilla extract (optional)

1 cup heavy cream

1 cup heavy cream

Cream is the fat and water in milk. It can be added to coffee, tea or other beverages. Cream is also used in cooking, especially desserts. It can also be whipped into whipped cream! You can use either heavy cream, light cream or half-and-half for this recipe (or any combination of them).

2 tablespoons sugar

Now you need to incorporate the sugar into your cream. You can use either granulated or confectioner’s (powdered) sugar. If you’re using the latter, mix it with a small amount of water first; otherwise, go right ahead and add it straight in. Whichever type you choose will produce a different texture—granulated sugar makes for a stiffer whipped cream while powdered gives you something softer and looser. Whisk until fully combined as before and then add in any flavoring extracts or liqueurs if desired (see below).

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Whipped cream is delicious and fun to make. It’s also easy! The most important thing is to remember that the cream will double in size once whipped, so you want to start with a small amount of liquid.

One teaspoon vanilla extract per cup of heavy whipping cream should be enough flavoring for most people. You can always add more if you like your whipped cream very strongly flavored (but just remember that it will become too sweet if you add too much). Additionally, vanilla extract comes in varying degrees of quality: generally speaking, the more expensive ones are better for this purpose because they have less alcohol content and thus result in smoother texture once combined with your whipped cream mixture. If you don’t have vanilla extract on hand but would still like some flavor in your whipped cream (or other desserts), consider using another option such as orange zest or cinnamon instead!


Whipped cream is a simple and delicious topping that can be added to a variety of dishes. Here’s how to make whipped cream:

  • Combine the heavy cream and sugar in a large bowl. Use an electric mixer (or do this by hand) to combine them until stiff peaks form, about 1–2 minutes.
  • Add flavorings, such as vanilla extract or cocoa powder. Mix just until combined; don’t overmix!
  • Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before serving again.

Combine cream and sugar in a large bowl. Beat until stiff peaks form, 1 to 2 minutes. Add flavorings, such as vanilla extract, and mix until just combined. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

To make whipped cream, combine the heavy cream and sugar in a large bowl and beat until stiff peaks form. Add the vanilla extract, if using, and mix until just combined. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

You can make your own whipped cream at home with just a couple of ingredients!

You can make your own whipped cream at home with just a couple of ingredients!

  • Heavy cream
  • Powdered sugar (optional)
  • Vanilla extract (optional)

That’s it! You can make whipped cream in a bowl and keep it simple, or use a mixer for even more control over the texture. Whipped cream is great on desserts, but also delicious on fruit like strawberries or bananas—try topping berries with some homemade whipped cream for dessert tonight!


Whipped cream is a delicious treat that can be used for many different things. For example, if you want to make a strawberry pie or a strawberry cheesecake then whipped cream will help that recipe come together perfectly! It’s also great for topping desserts like ice cream sundaes, which are always fun during summertime when it’s hot outside. You can even use whipped cream as decoration on cakes and cupcakes if you want them look extra fancy without spending too much money on decorating supplies from stores like Walmart or Target (although they do sell cute little bottles of colored powder these days).

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